Since the days I started to think and write my mind, I always use to reiterate a line to myself.That....It's never too late to start over again...
To start up new even though you are deviated a lot...
Found some similar but great verse in one of the movies I recently saw.
For what it's worth, its never too late.
To be whoever you want to be.
There is no time limit,start whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same.There are no rules for this thing.
We can make the best or worst of it. Hope you make the best of it.
Hope you see things that startle you.
Hope you feel things that you never felt before.
Hope you meet people with a different point of view.
Hope you live a life you are proud of.
If you find, you are not...
Hope you have the courage to start all over again.
P.S: Sharing the same lines from the movie.#encouraging.
Well said Harry. Its never too late for a fresh start